Minerals North Kitimat is all about ‘Exploring Opportunities’ and that starts with your touchdown in Kitimat, from May 8 to 10.
We’re excited to welcome you to this year’s conference and tradeshow in beautiful, scenic Kitimat.
Here’s a quick snapshot of important things to know at this stage:
We’re happy to announce registration has opened!
Visit https://www.civicinfo.bc.ca/event/2024/mineralsnorth to find the ticket option for you.
Conference excursions
We are lining up some great activities to really get you involved in Kitimat.
We’re keeping them a little on the down low – we’re finalizing the details, plus we’ve got to keep some mysteries alive – but here’s some hints.
We have an expansive, 18-hole golf course. Just saying…
One of our natural features is the Douglas Channel right on our doorstep. Signs point to ‘yes’ that we’ll involve that somehow
Maybe some behind-the-scenes look at our local industry is in the cards
We look forward to sharing more details in the weeks ahead.
Anyone looking to make their mark on 2024’s Minerals North can still get in on the action with a sponsorship.
Connect with Sherrie Little at 250-279-0553 for options.
Alternately you can also reach out to Laurel D’Andrea at either MN2024@gmail.com or 250-632-6294.